This is a mixture of Tae Kwon do kicks and Boxing punches for (basic) standing combat. You must learn these to have the basic mechanics of my fighting style down.
(Left Jab)
Standing with your left leg forward bent slightly with only forty percent of your body weight on it, and Your right leg turned slightly out with sixty percent of your weight on it. Hands up beside the top of the jaw bones on both sides, with elbows bent. Step forward with the left leg while springing forward off the right. Fully extending the left arm so the punch snaps. Don't push with your fist make sure your hit your target as your arm fully extends always focusing on going threw the target. Pull back your fist to your jaw immediately to block the on coming attack. I suggest Doing fifty of these in two minutes.
(Right Jab)
Standing with your left leg forward bent slightly with only forty percent of your body weight on it, and Your right leg turned slightly out with sixty percent of your weight on it. Hands up beside the top of the jaw bones on both sides, with elbows bent. Step forward with the left leg while springing forward off the right. Fully extending the right arm so the punch snaps. Don't push with your fist make sure your hit your target as your arm fully extends always focusing on going threw the target. Pull back your fist to your jaw immediately to block the on coming attack. I suggest Doing fifty of these in two minutes.
(Left Hook) Standing with your left leg forward bent slightly with only forty percent of your body weight on it, and Your right leg turned slightly out with sixty percent of your weight on it. Hands up beside the top of the jaw bones on both sides, with elbows bent. Step inward to your opponents right foot with your left foot, bending down as you step.Turn your body at the waste to build momentum. Snapping the punch into the right side of the opponnent's chin if possible. Never letting the right hand leave the jaw. I suggest Doing fifty of these in two minutes.
(Right Hook)
Standing with your left leg forward bent slightly with only forty percent of your body weight on it, and Your right leg turned slightly out with sixty percent of your weight on it. Hands up beside the top of the jaw bones on both sides, with elbows bent. Step inward to your opponent's left foot with your right foot, bending down as you step. Turn your body at the waste to build momentum. Snapping the punch into the left side of the opponent's chin if possible. Never letting the left hand leave the jaw. I suggest Doing fifty of these in two minutes.
(Left Upper Cut)
Standing with your left leg forward bent slightly with only forty percent of your body weight on it, and Your right leg turned slightly out with sixty percent of your weight on it. Hands up beside the top of the jaw bones on both sides, with elbows bent. Step inward between your opponents legs with your left leg bending down as you step. Turn your body at the waste to build momentum, bringing your left fist only as low as the left color bone turning directly into your opponents chin with your left fist, as you push off the left leg straight up. I suggest Doing fifty of these in two minutes.
(Right Upper Cut)
Standing with your left leg forward bent slightly with only forty percent of your body weight on it, and Your right leg turned slightly out with sixty percent of your weight on it. Hands up beside the top of the jaw bones on both sides, with elbows bent. Step inward between your opponents legs with your left leg bending down as you step. Turn your body at the waste to build momentum, bringing your right fist only as low as the right color bone turning directly into your opponents chin with your right fist, as you push off the right leg straight up. I suggest Doing fifty of these in two minutes.
Those are your basic hand attacks mix these together in any order, but it is common for the jabs to come first in any combination. This way your opponent is distracted from noticing the big hit that is coming. Now I'm gonna cover the basic feet attacks these are usually slower then the hand attacks, but can be twice as powerful always set up your feet attacks, with distractive hand attacks first.
(Left Front Kick) Standing with your left leg forward bent slightly with only forty percent of your body weight on it, and Your right leg turned slightly out with sixty percent of your weight on it. Hands up beside the top of the jaw bones on both sides, with elbows bent. Bending your left knee as you lift it to your chest, snap the kick from the knee while pushing straight out from your chest. Plowing threw the opponent to topple him over. immediately go back into your fighting stance to block any counter attack Try aiming for the waste before your attempt to aim for the head of your opponent. Never drop your hands from your jaw bones during this action. I suggest Doing fifty of these in two minutes.
(Right Front Kick)
Standing with your left leg forward bent slightly with only forty percent of your body weight on it, and Your right leg turned slightly out with sixty percent of your weight on it. Hands up beside the top of the jaw bones on both sides, with elbows bent. Bending your right knee as you lift it to your chest, snap the kick from the knee while pushing straight out from your chest. Plowing threw the opponent to topple him over. immediately go back into your fighting stance to block any counter attack Try aiming for the waste before your attempt to aim for the head of your opponent. Never drop your hands from your jaw bones during this action. I suggest Doing fifty of these in two minutes.
(Left Turn Kick)
Standing with your left leg forward bent slightly with only forty percent of your body weight on it, and Your right leg turned slightly out with sixty percent of your weight on it. Hands up beside the top of the jaw bones on both sides, with elbows bent. Bending your left knee as you lift it to your chest, snap the kick from the knee as you turn your hip over bringing your weight down in between the right shoulder and neck of your opponent. Plowing threw the opponent to topple him over. Immediately go back into your fighting stance to block any counter attack Try aiming for the waste before your attempt to aim between the neck and shoulder of your opponent. Never drop your hands from your jaw bones during this action. I suggest Doing fifty of these in two minutes.
(Right Turn Kick)
Standing with your left leg forward bent slightly with only forty percent of your body weight on it, and Your right leg turned slightly out with sixty percent of your weight on it. Hands up beside the top of the jaw bones on both sides, with elbows bent. Bending your Right knee as you lift it to your chest, snap the kick from the knee as you turn your hip over bringing your weight down in between the left shoulder and neck of your opponent. Plowing threw the opponent to topple him over. Immediately go back into your fighting stance to block any counter attack Try aiming for the waste before your attempt to aim between the neck and shoulder of your opponent. Never drop your hands from your jaw bones during this action. I suggest Doing fifty of these in two minutes.
(Left Side Kick)
Standing with your left leg forward bent slightly with only forty percent of your body weight on it, and Your right leg turned slightly out with sixty percent of your weight on it. Hands up beside the top of the jaw bones on both sides, with elbows bent. Bending your left knee as you lift it to your chest, while turning your hip over snap the kick from the knee striking the ribs or stomach of the opponent. Plowing threw the opponent to topple him over. Immediately go back into your fighting stance to block any counter attack Try aiming for the waste before your attempt to aim chest or head of your opponent. Never drop your hands from your jaw bones during this action. I suggest Doing fifty of these in two minutes.
(Right Side Kick)
Standing with your left leg forward bent slightly with only forty percent of your body weight on it, and Your right leg turned slightly out with sixty percent of your weight on it. Hands up beside the top of the jaw bones on both sides, with elbows bent. Bending your right knee as you lift it to your chest, while turning your hip over snap the kick from the knee striking the ribs or stomach of the opponent. Plowing threw the opponent to topple him over.
Immediately go back into your fighting stance to block any counter attack Try aiming for the waste before your attempt to aim chest or head of your opponent. Never drop your hands from your jaw bones during this action. I suggest Doing fifty of these in two minutes.
Always pull your foot back as quickly as possible because even if someone is hit with a kick they can still grab your leg and make you fall on your back which is the worst place to be in a fight. Always make sure your right foot goes back behind you as well. Never kick anyone in practice unless you have great control because you could easily injure someone So never aim for the face in practice,just the waste area. Always use the proper training gear as well.
- Cody
If you guys like what you read please tell all your friends about my work. I am currently writing a book called Becoming the Warrior. It is about my own fighting style called (The Destroyer) it revolves mostly around fatal combat for street purposes, but also covers the basics of all the martial arts that I know all mixed together to make them more effective. Thanks for reading (Cody.)
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