by Nikolay
Hi Kalynn. My name is Nikolay, I'm 30 years old and I am from Moldova.
I searched in Internet for poomse-video in good quality, and have casually got on your site. Video here hasn't appeared, and your clipart uninteresting enough, but a site is quite interesting. It is a lot of good stuff on all categories. I practice taekwondo WTF more than 10 years. At 22 years I received First Dan - the certificate of Kukkivon. Earlier in youth I practiced much. At present priorities have exchanged, career, a family and so on. But always when there is a possibility, I try to be in good shape, and teach young generation.
I read that at you am possibility to advise where and as it is possible to get sports stock (an tobok, footwear, protectors, paws and ?).
I will be very grateful if will help to find the good goods at the good price.
Also the didactic material, DVD disks with demonstration performances, poomse and the rest interests ...
I apologize for the short letter. I am not assured that it will reach you.
I will be glad to correspond with you. Also I apologize for mine English.
see you again.
Thank you for contacting me Nikolay. I am always happy to meet other tae kwon do enthusiasts from around the world.
I want to encourage you to continue your practice and study of tae kwon do. It a wonderful lifetime pursuit as you are well aware.
I look forward to hearing more from Eastern Europe.
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