The Korean martial art Tae Kwon Do is well known for it's competitions. These competitions are held on local, national and international levels as well as the Olympics. Tae Kwon Do competitions feature 3 main areas to compete; forms, sparring and weapons, as well as demonstrations that often include board breaking. There are standard weapons used in most schools, but students are encourage to explore the use of other traditional Korean weapons and develop there own forms and demonstrations with them.
These traditional weapons commonly taught in Tae Kwon Do classes inlcude Ssahng Jeol Bong (nunchaku), Bahng Mahng Ee (short stick), Gum Do (Japanese style sword), Sahn Knat (Kama) and the Jahng Bong (Bo staff).
The Bahng Mang Ee which is like a short baseball bat or stick is the most basic, but still extremely effective. The one common trait among the use of these weapons is the principal of the nine lines of strike. The nine lines of strike define the moves for attacking an opponent. Basically there are two diagonal downward strikes from left to right and right to left followed by two upward strikes in the reverse direction. Then there are two horizontal strikes one in each direction, followed by one straight down at the opponents head, one upwards to the groin and the final nine strike is a straight blow delivered to the face or center of the body. Bahng Mahng Ee training will also include a lot of self defense against attacks with this weapon as it is similar to something you may be attacked with on an everyday basis.
The nunchaku of course made famous by Bruce Lee movies can look very difficult and at the very beginning a little difficult to get the hang of. However with a little practice, even children at six years old can develop the skill to use even two of these simultaneously. It's looks great in demonstration, but whether this is a practical weapon that can be used in real situations is probably still questionable to most.
The Bo staff or Jahng Bong as it is known in Tae Kwon Do and the Kama are both great weapons, but the pride of the arsenal is the Gum Do. You are taught to respect and revere your sword like something out of a Japanese Samurai movie.
Tony Mills is the Chief Editor of online Content for The MMA Zone. Tony is an expert in the field of martial arts training and conditioning.
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